Friday, January 15, 2010

Proud Mommy!

I'm a proud mommy today!
First - Devon is testing today at school for the Gifted & Talented program in Math, English, Science and History. I'm already very proud of him for taking all AP classes and making all As and a few Bs this school year. He apparently doesn't want to stop there! Good Luck Son! I'm proud of you no matter what! Second - Brooklyn followed me into the bathroom this morning (never a moment alone) so I placed her on her Cheer for Me Potty. She has sat on it numerous times in the past but was totally surprised to hear it start cheering and playing music. Yep, my baby girl went pee pee on the potty!


The Siegert Family said...

awhh Devon is soo smart> i know he got his brains from his mommy. And congrats again to Brooklyn for going potty. I love how our kids potty's make sounds when the pee pee.. Avery always looks around like where is that coming from. What a proud mom you must be>

Stephanie said...

Wow..congrats momma!!
You have so many reasons to be proud!!
Love you all..see 2 of you tonight!
Cant wait!

Jessica Molepske said...

YAY!! that is awesome!!! You know your a Mom when the highlight of your day is watching someone else go to the bathroom! lol

Allison said...

Yea for Brooklyn! I agree with Jessica, I never knew my life would revolve around other's pee's and poop's!

Tiffany said...

Wow, way to go Devon!! Smarty!! Very impressive! Brooklyn sounds like she's already growing up soo fast.