Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Surgery Day

Well, Brooklyn had her ear tube surgery today. Her ears weren't clearing up so her pediatrician contacted the ENT to discuss moving up her surgery date. Luckily she agreed.
We arrived at Texas Children's at 6:45 this morning to register, go over insurance, take her vitals, talk to the nurses & doctors and a lot of waiting. Brooklyn really enjoyed the waiting room full of toys! Her surgery was scheduled for 8:45 but the doctor was running late so she didn't get called back until 9:30. She went to the nurse without hesitation. Fifteen minutes later the doctor came out and told me everything went really well and I would be called back shortly to see her in the recovery room. B was a little groggy and quiet when I finally saw her but she sucked down her bottle and then they let us go. She's been GREAT since we got home!
(Sorry the pictures of her playing before surgery aren't that clear...they are with my cell phone and she kept moving!)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Look Mom No Hands

Brooklyn started standing unassisted this weekend...yeah B!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hoppy Easter

The 3 of us had a very nice Easter Sunday. We went to church followed by a pancake breakfast. A few hours later we headed to Gigi and Dodo's for Easter dinner. We were blessed that Grampa Jim, Auntie Kel, Mathew and Uncle Wachary were all able to be there as well. The Easter Bunny was very good to the kiddos. Devon got the movies Twilight and Bedtime Stories along with some dinero and tons of candy. Brooklyn got a new Elmo dvd, bunny book, baby doll, outfit and lots of eggs. We hope all of our family and friends that we could not be with had an AWESOME EASTER!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Texas Bluebonnets

Friday, Jodi and I took all the kiddos on a drive to have a photo session with the Texas state flower...BLUEBONNETS!!!

They turned out well, don't ya think???

Friday, April 10, 2009

She's Back... her happy self!!! Brooklyn is doing much better these days. She has been sleeping great, her appetite has returned and she is back to beating up on her big brother! She went to the doctor on Monday and they sent us home with a nebulizer to help her breathing and keep her oxygen levels up. We went to the ENT yesterday and she will be getting tubes in her ears on May 15th. That's all for now!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sick Girl

My poor baby girl has been sick ALL week! She started running fever Sunday night so I took her to the doctor on Monday. I feel like I'm at the doctor every other week! Not to my surprise she had another ear infection. She has had 2 double and 1 single ear infection since Feb. 4th. Dr. Clarke gave her another antibiotic. Unfortunately on Thursday she was still pulling on her ear, running fever, barely sleeping or eating...not like my B girl at all! Gigi and I took her back to the doctor to find out she still had her ear infection and her oxygen levels were low. They gave her a breathing treatment with no relief for Brooklyn. They suggested we take her to Texas Children's Hospital. At this point I was freaking out but had to pull it together for Miss B. Without going into all the details of poking and proding at my baby, she was admitted for Bronchiolitis. She was kept on oxygen and an IV for feeds and medications. Almost 24 hrs later they took her off oxygen and monitored her for a few more hours. Her levels were right where they needed to be so we were able to be released. We are very happy to be back home and glad that Brooklyn is finally on the road to recovery!