Friday, May 9, 2008

4 - 6 weeks left

This past Tuesday, I was officially 34 weeks into my pregnancy. I went to the doctor yesterday and he said at my next weekly appointment we could discuss dates to induce! Why would i induce? Well, I originally wanted her to come whenever she was ready but remembering that devon was a week late and that my mom, dave and zach have a graduation cruise planned shortly after my due date...inducing quickly became an option! My doctor said he would induce at 39 weeks (this is of course if she hasn't already come on her own). I'm thinking the 7th, 10th or 13th so stay tuned to find out what my doctor agrees to!

Due in June Blinkie


Stephanie said...

Yeah!!! Welcome! ;) You know I love all 3 of you bunches and bunches! I cant wait to meet Brooklyn! Let me know if you have any more questions on this crazy thing! Love you!